
Cocoa Bliss Balls

 Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met Cocoa Bliss Balls

I have a sweet tooth. Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met. I will NEVER turn down a cookie, and if you offer me a slice of cake, I want to piece with the most frosting. That super sweet grocery store frosting is my favorite. (Don't even get me started on the sublime frosting of a Costco sheet cake.)

All that to say, I like something sweet. For dessert, for a snack, for breakfast...you get the point. The thing is, I know I shouldn't be eating dessert all day long. 

 Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met Cocoa Bliss Balls

So, I love little bites like energy balls and protein balls that are just naturally sweet enough to satisfy my sweet tooth but are also full of good-for-me nuts, seeds, and cocoa powder.

 Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met Cocoa Bliss Balls

Did you know cocoa powder is really good for you? It is! Read all about the benefits of cocoa on WebMD! (But then, immediately get off of the site and don't look up any symptoms you might be having.) 

A coffee shop across town that sells what they call Bliss Balls. They're a protein/energy ball, and they are legitimately the BEST I've ever had. You know me, I had to ask what was in them and then try to make them at home. 

I have been trying to crack this recipe for MONTHS! Months, I tell you! While none of the iterations were terrible, they weren't quite right. 

UNTIL NOW. *cue suspenseful music*

 Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met Cocoa Bliss Balls

Cocoa Bliss Balls are soft and fluffy and sweet and chocolatey. They satisfy a sweet tooth, give a boost through that afternoon slog, and are a perfect ending to a meal. 

Listen, I'll still happily scarf down that piece of cake with the giant frosting rose on a special occasion, but these Bliss Balls are for every day. 

Here's what you'll need:

 Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met Cocoa Bliss Balls


  • I prefer the taste of sprouted walnuts. We have a subscription with Tenderly Rooted. I was not a walnut-lover until I tried their sprouted walnuts. They're FANTASTIC. 
  • This recipe calls for coconut flakes; I use Bob's Red Mill. You can also use unsweetened shredded coconut.
  • We love date syrup around here, but you could swap for agave.
  • Trader Joe's has a great coconut/avocado oil that I love for these, but regular coconut oil works just as well. Make sure it's in its liquid state.

 Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met Cocoa Bliss Balls

Whir the raw cashews and walnuts together until very finely ground. 

 Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met Cocoa Bliss Balls

Then, add the coconut flakes. Again, process until very finely ground. 

 Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met Cocoa Bliss Balls

Next up, add the chopped dates, cocoa powder, date syrup, vanilla, salt, and oil. 

 Maybe the sweetest sweet tooth you have ever met Cocoa Bliss Balls

Once it all comes together, roll in cocoa powder or chopped flaked coconut pieces. 

Chill and store in the refrigerator. 

Cocoa Bliss Balls

(makes about 9)

2/3 cup raw cashews

1/3 cup sprouted (or regular) walnuts

1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes, plus more for rolling

1 cup chopped, pitted Medjool dates

1/4 cup natural cocoa powder, plus more for rolling

2 tablespoons coconut/avocado oil blend or coconut oil, in a liquid state

1/2 tablespoon date syrup

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

pinch fine sea salt

Put cashews and walnuts in a food processor and run on high until finely ground. Add coconut flakes and continue to run on high until finely chopped. 

Pulse in chopped dates until incorporated and in small pieces. Add cocoa powder, oil, date syrup, vanilla, and salt. Run on high, stopping to scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed until well incorporated and the mixture sticks together when pressed. 

Chop remaining coconut flakes for rolling into smaller pieces and place them on a plate. Spoon cocoa powder out on another plate. Use a #40 cookie scoop to portion the mixture. Roll into balls, then roll on cocoa or coconut to coat. 

Chill and store in the refrigerator, but the bliss balls taste best when left to come to room temperature for about 10 minutes. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another batch to whip up! 
